On May 22nd, 2017 Women Empowerment Organization (WEO) in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) held a one day conference entitled
“Rule of Law Progress in Sinjar After the Liberation of the City” aims to address the challenges of rule of law principles in Sinajr and identify the roles and responsibilities of key actors to support the gender-balanced political participation of returnees in Sinajr.
The conference was attended by Mr. Kareem Sinjari, KRG Minister of Interior and Peshmerga, Mr. Bashar Kiki, the head of Nineveh Provincial Council, Ms. Maha Georges al-Haddad, KAS Representative, Ms. Suzan Aref, WEO Director, consulates representative, participants from government officials, local authorities of Sinajr and Nineveh province, Yezidi Civil Society Organization (CSOs), Department of Foreign Relations, political parties, the conference was attended by Mr. Kareem Sinjari, KRG Minister of Interior and Peshmerga, Mr. Bashar Kiki, the head Nineveh Provincial Council, Ms. Maha Georges al-Haddad, KAS Representative, Ms. Suzan Aref, WEO Director, consulates representative, participants from government officials, local authorities of Sinajr and Nineveh province, Yezidi CSOs Department of Foreign Relations, political parties, representatives of civil society organizations, international organizations, academics, dignitaries and media. After the welcoming speech, Ms. Susan Aref presented a report on the results and recommendations reached by participants in the previous meeting on May 15th, 2017.
The third session was a panel discussion in which the panelists were Mr. Mahma Khalil, Sinjar District Manager, Mr. Ali Omer Gabo, Deputy Governor for Returnee Affairs, Ms. Amina Saeed, Yezidi Women Activist and parliamentarian and Mr. Mariwan Hassan, Representative in Ministry of Interior – Joint Crisis Coordination Center (MoI-JCC). They gave their input in follow up to the recommendations reached in the previous conference held in Aug 2016. The panel discussion was moderated by Mr. Khidr Domly, CSO activist and Academic.
Later in the wrap-up session, the conference participants made a number of recommendations assigned to the federal government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government and the International Community.